
Showing posts from April, 2022

Happy April Fools!

Happy April Fools, in honor of this day we shall celebrate The Fool.     An Archetype who is not afraid to face the unknown and in doing so gains more experience than the cultural norm. A character who aims high and if knocked down will get back up with a light heart because The Fool knows there is value in mistakes and loves learning about the Universe with a sense of fun and humor. And with that, we shall explore some more together with a question one of you asked.   Question: “ My calling is what you do and who you are.  I don’t know much about you, but would like to follow in your foot steps & be a healer, but first & foremost, I must be healthy myself before I can safely do unto others the magic that are medicines for Us All.”   Review: Now this isn’t necessarily a question, but the inquiry is clear, basically you are asking: “How did you become you and how can I fully heal to become myself in order to heal others so they can become themselves?” Now, this is the ultimate q