Happy April Fools!

Happy April Fools, in honor of this day we shall celebrate The Fool.

    An Archetype who is not afraid to face the unknown and in doing so gains more experience than the cultural norm. A character who aims high and if knocked down will get back up with a light heart because The Fool knows there is value in mistakes and loves learning about the Universe with a sense of fun and humor. And with that, we shall explore some more together with a question one of you asked.



My calling is what you do and who you are. 

I don’t know much about you, but would like to follow in your foot steps & be a healer, but first & foremost, I must be healthy myself before I can safely do unto others the magic that are medicines for Us All.”



Now this isn’t necessarily a question, but the inquiry is clear, basically you are asking:

“How did you become you and how can I fully heal to become myself in order to heal others so they can become themselves?”

Now, this is the ultimate question isn’t it?

And we’re about to embark on a journey to answer it all so Buckle up!


First I’d like to make a note that if you knew what I had to go through you’d not want to be me. I didn’t even want to be me back then, and that’s true for pretty much all of us who have made it out of their cocoons. Most people just see the final results and don’t understand that to get here, a place of peaceful abundance; you have to overcome A LOT of challenges. These are meant to bring out the best from within but in a humbling way. Plus, you’re not supposed to go through anyone else’s pain but your own, sure you can guide and alleviate others battles but your struggle is designed to be yours to maneuver since it will mold you into your true and destined self. I’m not going to lie, in the early stages, this might feel like an impossible nightmare. To be even more honest, getting over this initial stage of healing was such a challenge for me that thoughts of giving up by trying to kill myself became comforting possibilities. Yes folks, suicide was an option before, during the darkest phase of my life. Relatable right? I hope not. To be fair, I was a hypersensitive kid, dealing with some gnarly mental disorders, energy I didn’t know how to channel correctly due to emotional neglect growing up and generally being misguided by society. The circumstances I was under were suffocating to say the least and prevailing was rough as the odds were not in my favor, AT ALL, or so I thought.. but by God and Loves grace, I made it through.


    Why am I telling you this? Because if you’re feeling dead inside or are at rock bottom and want to give up because you think there’s no way to triumph your situation, I’m here to tell you, THERE IS A WAY OUT! Miracles do happen, no matter how bad you have it or impossible you think it is to make it through, you can! As long as, you have a vision of what your ideal and wholesome life would be, that also coincides with your destiny, you can make it happen. The Universe will assist you and give you all the tools needed to fulfill your ultimate and loving destiny so having hope and faith in a higher power helps; without this kind of lighthouse, negative thoughts of suicide or any debilitating fear from that realm will be stronger. 

I’d also like to mention that yes, I wanted to kill myself, many times during those dark ages, but actually, what I wanted to kill, were the parts of me that weren’t truly me on a soul level; 

the toxic programming.


         Dealing with this at first is like I mentioned earlier, incredibly overwhelming. It’s as if you come to the realization that you live in a hoarders house, PACKED with so much unnecessary garbage, to the point where it’s like HOW GOD/UNIVERSE, HOW THE FACK Excuse my French, am I supposed to clean this mess up? It’s not even my mess! Ohhh but it is, and once you get that, you’re already a winner and the healing can begin. After you’re able to process the pain and creatively dismantle the negative karma aka garbage, without becoming bitter and yet still have an open heart, the remaining journey of discovering who you really are becomes so much more enjoyable. Suddenly, you’re saging your house, you have space for your crystals, your crystals have crystals, you’re saging your crystals and charging them in the sun lol, At some point you’ll be having tea with your crystals and all of a sudden they magically turn into the kind of friends and family you always needed, then you can open your closet and everything is coordinated, out of nowhere you have an open floor plan, you’re DJing dishes in your kitchen, the basement and attic is not scary anymore because you decorated it with fairy lights, your bed gets made every morning, you have a garden and growing your own vegetables there. 

Get what I’m saying? 


         Life honestly becomes easier to manage once you're living your truth. But if you're living a lie it will only become harder and harder. The key is to move forward with the intention of finding your real purpose. Your Dreams can come alive, you just have to believe by visualizing it and then persevere with patience, because breathing your dreams into life takes time. 


Also don’t forget, most likely your complicated situation is happening, so when you make it through, you’ll be a success story for others to witness the incredible force of human resilience and be a prime example of the fact that achieving the impossible can be possible. And if you give up, I’m not going to sugar coat it, you’ll only get stuck, revert back and spiral down, your house will be a bigger mess, you’ll gain negative karma and be even more miserable and project that misery on to others. Keep in mind, sometimes you must survive until you can thrive, and if you’re at the point of surviving, which is a part of many people’s journeys, move with loving intentions. A lot of the time that means choosing the lesser of two evils until you’re on a purely angelic path.


         This kind of information will be applicable depending on who you are and where you are at in the evolution of your consciousness. Basically, if you don’t need any of this advice cause you’re already thriving, great, I’m happy you’ve figured it out, keep inspiring others to do the same, but if you haven’t, don’t worry. We’re all supposed to have unique success stories to motivate each other in diverse ways. But the general theme within accomplished people who are also at peace is the fact that they know who they are and are bringing value through that. 


    So make sure what you want to do is what you’re born to do. Every individual has a unique finger print for a reason and that’s cause we all have a part to play in the ecosystem of our universe. If you’re meant to be a doctor, great do that, if you’re meant to be the mother of dragons, amazing, fight for freedom, if you’re supposed to be a model or take sexy photos on only fans either as a male or female, go ahead, comfort people in your own way, if you’re destined to be a teacher or professor, by all means educate our youth, nourish their curiosity and imaginations, if you’re designed to be in the military, go ahead find your discipline and protect, if your faith is to be a bird trainer specializing in training storks to deliver babies, do that, loll in all seriousness make sure what you’re trying to do is what you’re born to do! We need to play our parts, and if you’re destined to be a healer, then do lots of shadow work, since it is the most important no matter who you are but especially for healers. Without integration of the shadow, you won’t see the whole picture and can’t help others do the same in their healing process. 


My life became drastically better and aligned with my authentic self when I made friends with the shadow. The shadow, in increments, will be of immense help when expanding your awareness and therefore figuring out your purpose. This is where the fool plays an important role; the fool isn’t afraid of venturing into the shadow, because the fool isn’t scared of failure. The fool knows she or he is a master of their craft, it’s just a matter of how many tries until it is manifested. So don’t be afraid, be a fool, try, and make mistakes, but also learn from them since each phase of your life is helping you create your final goal. Success is made by being irreplicable, and you do that by reinventing yourself while also being genuinely you. Whether you’re surviving or thriving, in this life or the next, make the most of every part of the journey. You’re in these positions for a reason, a reason you won’t know until later since hindsight is always 20/20. That is the Wisdom of the Brave Fool, who keeps trying with good intentions and never gives up no matter how arduous the path. Thank you for reading.


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