Angel Numbers

Do you see angel numbers? e.g 3:33, 4:44, 5:55? 

Yes I do! In the beginning of my ascension journey there were few and far in between but the deeper I awakened to my mission in service to the collective, the rate at which they appeared increased exponentially. 


What are angel #s?

Our souls are always protected by angels and spirit guides, who are ascended masters or actually future versions of ourselves, and they’re always conversing with us, helping us move closer to source in each lifetime. Angel #s such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 1111, 2222, 4444, 8888 are a way for them to communicate and let their presence be known.


The closer you get to source in one particular lifetime, or your zone of genius, a sweet spot of what you're good at + what you enjoy doing + what the world needs, you'll notice an abundance of angel #s, and synchronicities. Its frequency will go from trickling to pouring and you’ll catch them everywhere, all the time. 



But be careful not to obsess about it, rather let them naturally occur or else it'll become a distraction and throw you out of alignment. A general rule to follow is if you recognize a sequence repeated more than 3 times in a short duration, then look up the meaning and find what resonates. A lot of the time, angel numbers have different definitions depending on where you look or who you ask, so figuring out their significance is a very personal matter to discover that should be navigated through ones intuition. When they occur, stay cognizant of what you're sensing, feeling, thinking, or doing in the moments leading up to seeing the numbers as well as be aware of other serendipitous symbols or signs that occur alongside them. Whether circumstances are good or bad, angel numbers are there to let you know, you're not alone, the universe is with you, and you're on the right path<333



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