369 Manifestation Method

Nikola Tesla theorized 369 to be 

the key that unlocks the secrets 

of our universe, connecting one to a 

divine source in higher dimensions.

This code can also be used as a tool 

to conjure any of your aspirations into reality. 

Your mind is more than capable 

of attracting whatever you concentrate on 

and the 369 manifestation method 

helps better direct and amplify that focus. 

It's a simple practice and goes as follows..

Step 1:

Grab a journal and pen dedicated to this process, 

before writing down exactly what you want. 

(There are no limits as long as it is safe 

for you, others and our planet.)

I want to Manifest: 

a healthy and present mind, body and soul, 

an abundant and stable income, 

and a fun community I deeply resonate with.

Step 2:

Create a simple affirmation 

which matches your wishes.

My Affirmation: 

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

Step 3:

Once you have your statement, 

then it is time to put it into practice 

by daily writing the sentence.. 

3 times in the morning

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

6 times in the afternoon 

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

and 9 times at night

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

I am a magnet for health, wealth and community.

When you're writing, 

try to tap into the emotions you'd feel 

by having what you'd like to bring about.

Step 4:

Take action, and be open to release 

anything interfering with your goals. 

Continue until your dreams come true, 

they are closer than you think!


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