
Showing posts from June, 2022

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

     Plato is considered one of the most influential philosophers of all time. He was among his peers a progenitor of insightful and expansive thinking which is why we will honor this blog post in his name. Specifically, we will be analyzing “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave”, a tale inspired by the esteemed Socrates and one of his many lectures. In this thought experiment, Plato recites a story where a group of men are imprisoned since birth to an underground cave; the conditions of this cave are such that the men are chained down and therefore cannot move, being forced to stare at nothing but the wall in front of them. From behind, there is an orchestrated attempt by the prison guards, using props and a bonfire, to cast shadows on the wall they’re staring at. The shadow-like objects being presented are the prisoners only idea of reality and they know nothing else but these mere images.   The story continues where one of the prisoners is unshackled and released from the cave. Upon exiting