Plato's Allegory of the Cave

    Plato is considered one of the most influential philosophers of all time. He was among his peers a progenitor of insightful and expansive thinking which is why we will honor this blog post in his name. Specifically, we will be analyzing “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave”, a tale inspired by the esteemed Socrates and one of his many lectures. In this thought experiment, Plato recites a story where a group of men are imprisoned since birth to an underground cave; the conditions of this cave are such that the men are chained down and therefore cannot move, being forced to stare at nothing but the wall in front of them. From behind, there is an orchestrated attempt by the prison guards, using props and a bonfire, to cast shadows on the wall they’re staring at. The shadow-like objects being presented are the prisoners only idea of reality and they know nothing else but these mere images.


The story continues where one of the prisoners is unshackled and released from the cave. Upon exiting the dark cavernous space, he is overwhelmed by the intensity of the light outside and almost blinded by this otherworldly reality. It takes some time to adjust to this new experience and at times the freed man wishes nothing but to return to his old and familiar existence, united with his chained friends. Nevertheless, he adjusts to the novel world and finds such bliss and peace, in this place, where everything exists in three dimensional shapes, colors and intricate sounds, smells and tastes that cater to all his senses; no longer tied to mere two-dimensional shadows and crude noises. Hoping to unite while also free his friends, the enlightened man returns to the dark prison of a cave to unchain his mates and let them know of this brilliant world. Unfortunately, he is met with utter ridicule, resistance and even hostility by his former friends who have completely accustomed themselves to their shackles. He realizes there is not much that can be done and returns to his newfound freedom.

Now why do I present this fable to you?

Because my dear friends, this allegory is the perfect example of what one goes through on the awakening journey. When transitioning from the 3D to 5D, one will experience the same metaphorical symptoms as the man who escaped the cave. Especially when taking psychedelics in any form, you will encounter an expedited transformative effect of being unshackled from whatever psychological cave you may be in and shown a new metaphysical world of liberation. It may be inundating, confusing, and frightening at first, but eventually you will find such deep gratitude and peace in this fresh way of being. So much so, that your first thought is to tell everyone and anyone about it, especially friends and family. Depending on who you are and your circumstances, this might not always go well and might even be a futile attempt. Just like the prisoners of the cave, people in your former world might be so accustomed to their chains that it will be nearly impossible to liberate them. And that’s not a fun truth to face, it may be a lonely feeling at times. But don’t worry, in this day and age, there are many others who have been liberated from their caves and are flowing in freedom. These are the ones you should seek and connect to. 


That’s not to say that you can’t try to unchain people in caves if it’s what your heart desires, you can even do so in teams with others who have equally freed themselves. Just be wary of who you choose to release. What is not mentioned in “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave” is the degree to which men and women are imprisoned. Some might be deeper in their caves than others, some have more chains, and some have been there for longer than others. Not everyone can be saved, some just have too many karmic ties in that current cavernous lifetime, but remember, we’re all one, so you should continue to love and have compassion for everyone, because at the end of the day we’re all trying our best on our individual journeys.

So do your best when attempting to release people out of their caves. and be clever about it. For example, in the case of 3D to 2D, bring back symbols of the new world for the imprisoned people to be inspired by so they will listen to you, such as a feather, flower or even a flame. You know, something three dimensional to stimulate a reconsideration of their limited two dimensional world. Show them through example, don’t just talk about it, and if they’re still hostile, move on.

As for 5D to 3D, the best way is once again to just be an example of the elevated state of mind and you do that by living in nothing but love and integrating your shadow. You exemplify this simply by doing what you were born to do, expressing yourself, either through your art, innovations or like I mentioned Your human design. This will automatically wake the ones who are ready from their stupor while you simultaneously get to live in tune with your highest possible frequency.


If you do seek to free people from their caves, choose the ones who are capable and receptive, and the ones who are not should simply be loved from afar, or else you are wasting everyone’s time. Remember, you can only help someone as much as they want to help themselves. And on that note, I’d like to thank you for reading this post, most likely you are one of the responsive ones, therefore I congratulate and thank you for continuing to unchain yourself, in order to find and cherish your freedom.

Much Love.


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