
Showing posts from October, 2022

In Honor of María Sabina

  María Sabina was a true medicine woman who never stopped showering the universe with her gifts of love. What would we do without this magnificent and humble soul? Let’s take a deeper dive into her story before looking into one of your inquires: “ I'd love to hear more of your perspective as a woman of color. Forgive me please if those aren't the terms you identify with. My main point is that I am fascinated by our commonalities and differences, and I'd love to know you better.”     I think we will find many parallels between this inquiry and María Sabina’s life while we explore her journey and dabble into mine. Hopefully when we do, it will inspire you, the reader, on a spiritual level. So let’s begin.         María Sabina is a legend who not only knew how to heal souls with her pure spirit in union with the magic of mushrooms but also created divine poetry which she did not even take credit for. Stating the “niños santos” or “Holy Children”, what she called the plant med