In Honor of María Sabina

 María Sabina was a true medicine woman who never stopped showering the universe with her gifts of love. What would we do without this magnificent and humble soul? Let’s take a deeper dive into her story before looking into one of your inquires: “I'd love to hear more of your perspective as a woman of color. Forgive me please if those aren't the terms you identify with. My main point is that I am fascinated by our commonalities and differences, and I'd love to know you better.”

    I think we will find many parallels between this inquiry and María Sabina’s life while we explore her journey and dabble into mine. Hopefully when we do, it will inspire you, the reader, on a spiritual level. So let’s begin.  


    María Sabina is a legend who not only knew how to heal souls with her pure spirit in union with the magic of mushrooms but also created divine poetry which she did not even take credit for. Stating the “niños santos” or “Holy Children”, what she called the plant medicine, gave her inspiration, and spoke through her. It’s incredible what this heavenly individual brought into our world.


Cure yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon.
With the sound of the river and the waterfall.
With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.

Heal yourself with mint, with neem and eucalyptus.

Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.

Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon.

Put love in tea instead of sugar, and take it looking at the stars.

Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.

Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.

Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.

Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember: you are the medicine.


Doesn’t this give you goosebumps? More so knowing that María Sabina did not even know how to read nor write. Is this another testament to the powerful and intuitive knowledge inspired by these entheogens? 


María Sabina was a Mazatec Sabia (one who knows) born July 22nd, 1894 in Southern Mexico, right outside a small town called Huatla de Jimenez in the mountains of Sierra de Oaxaca. Descendant from a lineage of healers, with shamanism in her blood, she was destined to become a curandera (medicine woman) and it wasn’t until her sister became incredibly ill that she had no option but to use magic mushrooms to successfully heal her. Upon discovering what this medicine, aka Flesh of the Gods could do, her true journey as a high priestess began. She eventually became a skilled and popular multidimensional guide to those with various physical and spiritual conditions. She was also the first healer in Mexico to accept foreigners aka westerners to ceremonies. It’s been rumored that she would eventually go on to help popular figures, the likes of Aldous Huxley, John Lennon, and Bob Dylan. Claims have even been made that Walt Disney visited Mexico on six separate occasions to discover the magic of the universe with her. Now if that doesn’t give you shivers, idk what else will! Lol 


María Sabina was a Divine Goddess who never stopped bringing forth her gifts of love and wisdom. Despite being a woman of color and experiencing a lot of setbacks, she continuously persisted beyond them; if anything, only letting the obstacles fuel her abilities to bring value through love. Which brings me back to what one of you mentioned or “asked” about. My perspective on being a woman of color. Yes, I am a woman of color, although many other women struggle with this title more than I have or do. My personal struggles derive from a middle eastern background tied to a severely misogynistic society where women have to cover up, can’t start their own businesses, can’t ride bikes due to it being provocative nor can they dance in public, just to name a few oppressions. Heck you can’t even hold artistic or musical concerts there, neither as a man or a woman as all of it is illegal. Growing up in a household rooted in these values took its toll for a while. Although I was lucky enough to be born and raised among Vikings in Oslo, Norway; an extremely progressive nation for women and the female spirit. I was still brought up in an Iranian household by unconscious and immigrant parents perpetuating toxic ethics which became quite soul crushing. I’d liken it to being a giant and trying to fit yourself into a doll house. Let’s just say I had terrible hunchback of Notredame posture, shallow breathing, and a stunted psyche for a while. But that was my karma and a challenge gifted by the universe as an opportunity to upgrade my soul, so I could later bring value to the collective through my success story because..


Thankfully, with awareness and the help of patient perseverance I was able to break free from the prison of misogyny and its limiting mental beliefs. It wasn’t easy, it never is, but it starts with understanding that any situation you’re put through, whether you’re black, white, purple, pink, blue or yellow. Any color within or outside the rainbow, whoever you are, we all experience struggles, and you chose these scenarios based on what was available in the karmic evolution of your consciousness. So instead of being indignant with God for your negative circumstances, realize that you selected these situations as a chance to make amends, and then enhance who you truly are. Super cliché, but it’s true. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to move with love or fear through any scenario. Are you going to be a victim and spiral down, or a hero and progress upward? 


Oprah, you may have heard of Another legend and a billionaire of our time, didn’t let any label hold her back from fulfilling the greatness of her spirit. She is the perfect example of a woman of color who prevailed beyond any label, so if she can, why can’t you? You simply need to do your best to choose love and not give up. Eventually, with persistence everything will improve in gradients. Moving through fear with love is a skill that must continuously be strengthened but it gets easier with time. At some point, you’ll hit a threshold where it’s your natural state/second nature. As a result, you can be more of service while simultaneously be an inspirational source for others to do the same. So, when you see successful individuals who have it all, be encouraged by their achievements. If you can’t, that just means you have some work to do, and a shadow to integrate, but don’t worry, the worse you have it, the better it will be when you make it through. Trust me, there’s nothing like that release of waking up from the nightmare of survival mode. Just keep in mind, as much as we are given obstacles, we are also given the same amount of tools to creatively overcome them and prosper. 


That’s what I adore about María Sabina, she embodied this philosophy and perspective of staying present with love. She dealt with many tragedies in life until her passing in 1985, but despite it, didn’t become bitter; her beautiful attitude should be a lighthouse for us all. I can imagine in this modern day and age she has reincarnated into a super loving, powerful and intelligent mycologist/shaman, residing in the United States. This time knowing her worth and getting what she deserves, through cultivation/distribution of magic while also holding stocks in many different mushroom companies, accumulating enough wealth from diversified sources to then buy and protect land, helping preserve our planet. Maybe she knew on a soul level that introducing magic to the western world would benefit not only the collective but enable her to be of greater value in her next life? This is purely speculation, but a fun thought experiment. Speaking of, now I’m just rambling on but what if Abraham Lincoln reincarnated into Oprah? And on the opposite, more sinister side, what if Adolf Hitler reincarnated into a black slave in the south during the 17th century many many times over? What if laws of physics in terms of cause and effect applied in the karmic realms? Not that any evil in the world is justified. But is it a result of one’s own actions in other lives? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? If each life is more valuable and impactful than we might think. In that case, anything you do in this lifetime will carry on to the rest, so do your best and bring value to our universe while accumulating those heavenly karma points. Lead with love, and always remember, you are the medicine!


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