
Showing posts from March, 2022

What are your Favorite ways to Transmute fear?

  “ What are your favorite ways to transmute fear? ” Another fabulous question, where the simple answer is through Mature and Unconditional Love, but y’all know how we do it around here, so let’s provide a more detailed and scientific answer, bringing us to the topic of Defense Mechanisms. Why? Because transmuting fear can be done in many ways, all ranging from negative to positive methods and defense mechanisms covers that spectrum. It’s important to know both the dark and light aspects, so we can be aware of what we might be doing wrong and replace them with healthier manners that will enable you to properly evolve.    Before we dive deeper, I’d like to give you a quick synopsis on the  id ,  ego  and  superego  as they pertain to defense mechanisms. You’ve probably heard of these terms in psychology where they teach about consciousness through many branches. Currently, we will be looking through the psychoanalytic lense which organizes your psyche into 3 parts.   First we have the 

Are you Happy?

  Are you Happy? Haha Hey Mom! This is a great question and to be honest, generally I am happy and extremely grateful but am I joyous all the time? No; I don’t think that’s realistic for any of us. A healthy human experience is an amalgamation of all emotions and to exist in any one of them all the time would be unrealistic and frankly unhealthy. A better question would be if I’m at peace. In that case, yes, I’m very much at a place of serenity knowing I can persevere through any obstacle or soak up moments of content because of a healthy and purposeful life that resonates with my soul and spirit while simultaneously bringing real value to others.  It’s important to note, it took a long time and a lot of perseverance through dark depths to get to this point and to this day I’m still shedding layers of outdated programming since it is a continuous process. There used to be a time when I was in complete disharmony and constant sadness. Living for the wrong reasons caused a polluted flow

What is Source?

Hey Lovely Ladies and Gents  & Everyone in between and outside the spectrum.      I just want to preface this post by mentioning that all these answers are based on life experiences from generally living in our universe and getting an education in school to reading lots of books. Please consider everything I say with not only an open mind but also think for yourself. If something makes sense and sounds right then great, integrate it, but if something doesn’t sit well with you, please let me know and I am more than open to have a discussion and revise my way of thinking.  Life is all about learning and I am always open to new perspectives.  Thank you beforehand for reading. What is Source? What an incredibly profound question, I love it!    Source is to our souls what the sun is to sun rays. There is a higher intelligence actively creating existence; some call it God, or the higher self, and source is another great term for it. This is where your intuition emanates from and it’s a c

Book List 1

Book List      One of the important aspects of self-discovery and healing in the psychedelic journey is the act of educating your mind with valuable information so you have the right tools to process and reflect what may be brought up during magical trips. That’s why I put together this book list for those of you interested in expanding your horizons.    Scientific ·    How to Change Your Mind – Michael Pollan (heavy): this book really encapsulates the world of psychedelics by explaining its historical roots, how hallucinogens molecularly impact the brain and its applications in psychotherapy. ·    Jung’s Map of the Soul – Murray Stein (heavy): here the author provides a solid understanding of Jungs concepts on how humanity articulates consciousness in common ways through basic archetypes and in not so common ways through complexes of the psyche. It’s a very eye-opening read as to how the soul expresses itself. ·    Surrounded by Idiots – Thomas Erikson  (medium):  don’t be fooled by t