Are you Happy?

 Are you Happy?

Haha Hey Mom! This is a great question and to be honest, generally I am happy and extremely grateful but am I joyous all the time? No; I don’t think that’s realistic for any of us. A healthy human experience is an amalgamation of all emotions and to exist in any one of them all the time would be unrealistic and frankly unhealthy. A better question would be if I’m at peace. In that case, yes, I’m very much at a place of serenity knowing I can persevere through any obstacle or soak up moments of content because of a healthy and purposeful life that resonates with my soul and spirit while simultaneously bringing real value to others. It’s important to note, it took a long time and a lot of perseverance through dark depths to get to this point and to this day I’m still shedding layers of outdated programming since it is a continuous process.

There used to be a time when I was in complete disharmony and constant sadness. Living for the wrong reasons caused a polluted flow which made enduring or alchemizing any type of chaos or pain unbearable at the time. I wasn't coming from a genuine place and therefore not motivated to perpetuate existence in any way. Thankfully Magic slowly but deliberately guided me back home to a forgiving and wholesome state of being in a constructive relationship to all feeling, and I really hope you are in that state of mind also or at least finding your way back as well because it is possible, no matter how disorderly of a place you're in.

It’s imperative to understand the importance of all sentient experiences since they not only inspire change for the better but also channel enlightening wisdom, wisdom and knowledge that can be shared for others to learn from. Ultimately, sourcing beneficial material and creating nourishing art or experiences that moves people into their true purpose gives tranquility.



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