Book List 1

Book List

    One of the important aspects of self-discovery and healing in the psychedelic journey is the act of educating your mind with valuable information so you have the right tools to process and reflect what may be brought up during magical trips. That’s why I put together this book list for those of you interested in expanding your horizons. 



·  How to Change Your Mind – Michael Pollan (heavy): this book really encapsulates the world of psychedelics by explaining its historical roots, how hallucinogens molecularly impact the brain and its applications in psychotherapy.

·  Jung’s Map of the Soul – Murray Stein (heavy): here the author provides a solid understanding of Jungs concepts on how humanity articulates consciousness in common ways through basic archetypes and in not so common ways through complexes of the psyche. It’s a very eye-opening read as to how the soul expresses itself.

·  Surrounded by Idiots – Thomas Erikson (medium): don’t be fooled by the title as this is a great social psychology book organizing people into personality types based on four colors and how we all operate in relation to one another’s colors in different ways.

·  How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie (light): a classic read with much guidance and many examples on how to relate to others in more meaningful ways.



·  The Goddess and The Shaman – J. A. Kent, PhD (heavy): Can be a difficult read if you’re not open minded to the esoteric world. Written by J. A. Kent, PhD; she expands on the Goddess model in the Modern field of Shamanic healing and its potential to be an adaptive method when resolving complicated cases involving soul loss, soul fragmentation or invasive spirits. 

·  A Guided Tour of Hell – Bercholz (light): super insightful read following a mans journey through layers of the underworld and its teachings about the souls karmic development through multiple realms to achieve samsara/nirvana.


·  The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho (light): a super fun read about a boy's journey to discover a treasure and his true destiny with lots of wisdom imbued throughout.

·  The Gilded Ones  Namina Forna (medium): a fantastic read empowering the female spirit through a special and gifted girl who belongs to a group of oppressed outsiders. As the story goes on you are moved by what is revealed in the characters development and satisfied when discovering the complete symbolism of the outcome.


You don’t have to read all of the books listed but definitely check out what resonates with you the most! Enjoy!

Oh and if you have any suggestions for me, please do share :)


Mush Love Fam! Keep Evolving💓


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