What is Source?

Hey Lovely Ladies and Gents & Everyone in between and outside the spectrum.

    I just want to preface this post by mentioning that all these answers are based on life experiences from generally living in our universe and getting an education in school to reading lots of books. Please consider everything I say with not only an open mind but also think for yourself. If something makes sense and sounds right then great, integrate it, but if something doesn’t sit well with you, please let me know and I am more than open to have a discussion and revise my way of thinking. Life is all about learning and I am always open to new perspectives. 

Thank you beforehand for reading.

What is Source?

What an incredibly profound question, I love it! 


Source is to our souls what the sun is to sun rays. There is a higher intelligence actively creating existence; some call it God, or the higher self, and source is another great term for it. This is where your intuition emanates from and it’s a collective energy operating on nothing but light and love. The only thing interfering with our connection to source is fear and evil. Any fear you may have stored in your psyche is a result of corrupt karma caused by unresolved or negative actions in either past lives or this life, and your responsibility is to clear that heavy energy.

How? By doing shadow work, tuning into your inner child/true self and doing what you love. Because when you do what you are passionate about, persevering past fear becomes not only bearable but also possible. And by existing in that heavenly space of flow and bringing real value to the universe, you are clearing negative karma, enlightening your ego which gives you a stronger connection to your soul and source. 


Anything you do in your current lifetime will carry on or impact the rest. That’s why some people are absolutely divine, they’ve paid their dues over many lives. The world is actually fair, some just have better karma than others since they’ve done the work to clear trauma and are living in much closer proximity to God or Source. The key is to be connected to a loving perspective and look for the silver lining in everything, because tragic events are there to move you in the right direction, as long as you choose to have the correct attitude followed through by persevering action. This positive perception will be your guiding force, allowing the upgrade of your DNA in each life as you subsequently become one with God aka your higher self which is also all our higher selves. So when you choose to look at every event that occurs with a cup half full mindset, then you’re programming yourself to be lighter in not only body and mind but also spirit, which benefits everyone. That’s the power of unconditional love. It’s important to clarify that toxic positivity is not what I’m endorsing, rather it is the ability to endure dark times and utilize what it has to teach you in order to mature instead of becoming bitter or resentful.

Now, how can you strengthen your ability to look at everything from a cup half full perspective? Be around people with a positive perspective; tune into high vibrational individuals who have good vibes and intentions but are also aware of the dark side. Take care of your soul by consuming healthy food and content; be in nature, meditate, do lots of breathwork, yoga, move your body, journal, laugh, cry, express gratitude; understand that darkness isn’t necessarily bad, it’s pressure assisting you in discovering and uncovering hidden gifts and talents by shedding what’s holding you back as long as you’re willing to face and feel it. Don’t go into victim mode; stop blaming others for your emotions, instead use mature defense mechanisms to have a conscious relationship with reality where you can anticipate what provides you peace and do more of exactly that. Sublimating hard to process emotions is also a great way of making it through tough times. Sublimation is the act of transforming anxious energy into helpful and productive behavior. For example, if you got broken up with, take the sadness and alchemize it into writing a song, going to the gym, starting a new hobby or being more in flow.

What’s flow? Flow is a state of mind where you are so focused and engaged in an activity or on the task at hand, while finding much enjoyment to the point that it’s not a task and therefore time vanishes as you’re doing it. How can you get into flow? By utilizing your God given gifts and passions to do what you love. An added bonus is to get paid for it, and that comes with patience in perfecting your valuable practice.

How do you discover your passions and gifts? Look at what you genuinely enjoyed doing from Ages 6-12. Generally, these are the most indicative years of what interests you on a deep level and will give you a peak, literally or figuratively, into what you’d find to be naturally engaging later on, either as a career or hobby. Also be cognizant of what excites and immerses you, then follow those instincts, as long as it delivers a positive influence.


That’s my in depth answer to your question.

What is Source?

I hope you found it informative!


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