
Angel Numbers

Do you see angel numbers? e.g 3:33, 4:44, 5:55?  Yes I do! In the beginning of my ascension journey there were few and far in between but the deeper  I  awakened to my mission in service to the collective, the rate at which they appeared increased exponentially.    What are angel #s? Our souls are always protected by angels and spirit guides, who are ascended masters or actually future versions of ourselves, and they’re always conversing with us, helping us move closer to source in each lifetime. Angel #s such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 1111, 2222, 4444, 8888 are a way for them to communicate and let their presence be known.   The closer you get to source in one particular lifetime, or your zone of genius, a sweet spot of what you're good at + what you enjoy doing + what the world needs, you'll notice an abundance of angel #s, and synchronicities. Its frequency will go from trickling to pouring and you’ll catch them everywhere, all the time.      But be car

369 Manifestation Method

Nikola Tesla theorized 369 to be  the key that  unlocks  the secrets  of our universe,  connecting one to a  divine  source in higher dimensions. This code can also be used as a tool  to conjure any of your aspirations into reality.  Your mind is  more than capable  of attracting  whatever you concentrate on  and  the  369 manifestation method  helps better direct and  amplify that focus.  It's a simple practice and goes as follows.. Step 1: Grab a journal and pen dedicated to this process,  before writing down exactly what you want.  (There are no limits as long as it is safe  for you, others and our planet.) I want to Manifest:  a healthy and present mind, body and soul,  an abundant and stable income,  and a fun community I deeply resonate with. Step 2: Create a simple affirmation  which matches your wishes. My Affirmation:  I am a magnet for health, wealth and community. Step 3: Once you have your statement,  then it is time to put it into practice  by daily writing the sentenc

In Honor of María Sabina

  María Sabina was a true medicine woman who never stopped showering the universe with her gifts of love. What would we do without this magnificent and humble soul? Let’s take a deeper dive into her story before looking into one of your inquires: “ I'd love to hear more of your perspective as a woman of color. Forgive me please if those aren't the terms you identify with. My main point is that I am fascinated by our commonalities and differences, and I'd love to know you better.”     I think we will find many parallels between this inquiry and María Sabina’s life while we explore her journey and dabble into mine. Hopefully when we do, it will inspire you, the reader, on a spiritual level. So let’s begin.         María Sabina is a legend who not only knew how to heal souls with her pure spirit in union with the magic of mushrooms but also created divine poetry which she did not even take credit for. Stating the “niños santos” or “Holy Children”, what she called the plant med

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

     Plato is considered one of the most influential philosophers of all time. He was among his peers a progenitor of insightful and expansive thinking which is why we will honor this blog post in his name. Specifically, we will be analyzing “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave”, a tale inspired by the esteemed Socrates and one of his many lectures. In this thought experiment, Plato recites a story where a group of men are imprisoned since birth to an underground cave; the conditions of this cave are such that the men are chained down and therefore cannot move, being forced to stare at nothing but the wall in front of them. From behind, there is an orchestrated attempt by the prison guards, using props and a bonfire, to cast shadows on the wall they’re staring at. The shadow-like objects being presented are the prisoners only idea of reality and they know nothing else but these mere images.   The story continues where one of the prisoners is unshackled and released from the cave. Upon exiting

Happy April Fools!

Happy April Fools, in honor of this day we shall celebrate The Fool.     An Archetype who is not afraid to face the unknown and in doing so gains more experience than the cultural norm. A character who aims high and if knocked down will get back up with a light heart because The Fool knows there is value in mistakes and loves learning about the Universe with a sense of fun and humor. And with that, we shall explore some more together with a question one of you asked.   Question: “ My calling is what you do and who you are.  I don’t know much about you, but would like to follow in your foot steps & be a healer, but first & foremost, I must be healthy myself before I can safely do unto others the magic that are medicines for Us All.”   Review: Now this isn’t necessarily a question, but the inquiry is clear, basically you are asking: “How did you become you and how can I fully heal to become myself in order to heal others so they can become themselves?” Now, this is the ultimate q

What are your Favorite ways to Transmute fear?

  “ What are your favorite ways to transmute fear? ” Another fabulous question, where the simple answer is through Mature and Unconditional Love, but y’all know how we do it around here, so let’s provide a more detailed and scientific answer, bringing us to the topic of Defense Mechanisms. Why? Because transmuting fear can be done in many ways, all ranging from negative to positive methods and defense mechanisms covers that spectrum. It’s important to know both the dark and light aspects, so we can be aware of what we might be doing wrong and replace them with healthier manners that will enable you to properly evolve.    Before we dive deeper, I’d like to give you a quick synopsis on the  id ,  ego  and  superego  as they pertain to defense mechanisms. You’ve probably heard of these terms in psychology where they teach about consciousness through many branches. Currently, we will be looking through the psychoanalytic lense which organizes your psyche into 3 parts.   First we have the 

Are you Happy?

  Are you Happy? Haha Hey Mom! This is a great question and to be honest, generally I am happy and extremely grateful but am I joyous all the time? No; I don’t think that’s realistic for any of us. A healthy human experience is an amalgamation of all emotions and to exist in any one of them all the time would be unrealistic and frankly unhealthy. A better question would be if I’m at peace. In that case, yes, I’m very much at a place of serenity knowing I can persevere through any obstacle or soak up moments of content because of a healthy and purposeful life that resonates with my soul and spirit while simultaneously bringing real value to others.  It’s important to note, it took a long time and a lot of perseverance through dark depths to get to this point and to this day I’m still shedding layers of outdated programming since it is a continuous process. There used to be a time when I was in complete disharmony and constant sadness. Living for the wrong reasons caused a polluted flow